Vehicle Inspections Caringbah
Another insurance repair, another fail, how can a tail light be replaced with one that is so different? This is why we suggest to get you car inspected after any insurance repair, how can this not have been detected? We do vehicle inspections in Caringbah.
The light is completely different, now this customer has to stuff around dealing with an insurance company & a repairer at Wetherill Park.
It’s important to ensure that your car undergoes a regular vehicle inspection. This is because, without frequent checks, problems can develop that you might not be aware of. These can then increase the likelihood of your vehicle being out of operation, just when you need it most! When this happens, you may wish you’d gotten your car serviced sooner, not only because of potential injuries you may suffer, but because it’s cheaper, quicker, and easier to have your car serviced compared to having it fixed after a crash. Therefore, car maintenance is a proactive measure that you can take to lower the risk of problems in the future.
If you leave your car to have an insurance repair, you might end up paying more and getting a poorer service, which wouldn’t be the case if you had it checked over on a regular basis. Getting your vehicle inspected will involve assessing its overall condition, along with examining all of the systems within the car and the systems outside the car. For example, the inspector will look at the steering, acceleration, braking, headlights, indicators, mirrors and tyres. Each one of these areas can contain hidden defects that you might not realise until it’s too late.
If you’d like to get your car inspected and you live in Sutherland Shire, visit us at Bob Mol Motors. We can offer you a vehicle inspection and inform you of any problems, along with repairing it for you if you request this. Our pricing is competitive, and we deliver a high-quality service to all of the customers who visit us for inspections. To find out more, all you need to do is visit our address at 20 Erskine Rd, Caringbah NSW 2229, call us on (02) 95253433, visit our contact usContact Us page, or email us at service@bobmolmotors.com.au